A place to reflect, ramble, and rofl at adventures from my study abroad in Nihon...
Honestly, there could be shenanigans.


Walking Outside and Between the Lines

After the stroll down Omote-sandou shopping street, we stopped for supper at Subway. This is how the menu looks in Japanese--ordering works pretty much the same way. It's just...
The 6" sandwiches seem a bit smaller here than in the states. I kind of wish I'd bought a footlong.

And here is our first sight of the Shibuya shopping district, which is a zoo in the afternoon and evening. Darth Vader's the current slogan guy for Docomo, a big cell phone company (or more officially, a mobile networking company) here in Japan. Walking around Shibuya, you can sometimes see the hilarious and bizarre Darth Vader Docomo commercials. (Haha, I can has visual aids.)

He says: "I am searching...searching for my boss...Where is my boss?"
The advertisement apparently directs people to a website where they can upload their name and photo, and then watch a short video of Darth stalking around the streets, and finding their name and photo on a screen. Then he says "Sorry, you are not my boss." The real boss has yet to be announced.
I'm not being facetious, either. The "real boss" is supposed to be announced sometime soon.
I pretty much lol-ed when I read one of the comments on a short online article about the ad campaign: "Luke...I am your cell phone service provider!"

This is a crosswalk, by the way, when the traffic's stopped. The big intersections here actually have 6 crosswalks: the four which create a square, and two diagonals cutting directly across the streets. When the pedestrian lights turn green, people pretty much just go in any direction they need to. We popped upstairs into a Starbucks to get better shots:
Ok, this might be a bit cheesy. It was just right there in front of me.
A one-woman band playing outside a pachinko slot machine place
The guy in the ad looks so...
And a couple of fashion shots. This first girl is wearing a fairly popular peasant/summer dress and leather jacket combo look.
This second girl caught my eye too, but I actually don't see this look quite nearly as often as the flowy, frilly hippie chic look: a fairly toned-down Goth style.