A place to reflect, ramble, and rofl at adventures from my study abroad in Nihon...
Honestly, there could be shenanigans.



I'm currently sitting in the airport at DC, organizing the rest of my photos from Japan...
Flight boards in about an hour.
First food bought upon my return to America: a bagel with cream cheese and a "coolada" from Dunkin' Donuts...also Reese's and ハイチュウ/Hi-Chew.
Yes, turns out they have ハイチュウ here in the US...how anticlimactic. But once my snack package from Japan is shipped here, there will be an official taste test comparison.

It's been a bit crazy the past couple of weeks with things wrapping up in Kyoto, so I know I'm really behind on the blog posts. But I promise I'll catch up with them soon. I've got some bridesmaiding to take care of first, but starting this weekend, I should be able to relax, take a breather, and write...leisurely.

I keep almost answering the workers in the airport here with "hai" or "sou desu."
Go reverse culture shock, go.