At first there was a vague notion to find the Pokemon Center, but after a rather long walk, we started asking for directions. We were starting to get hungry too.
A first glimpse of Tokyo Tower, and...I'm not entirely sure what to make of this restroom, surrounded by quaint greenery and set into the ground from the sidewalk...
Then there were goofy photo shoots outside. Then on with the wandering!
(Maxim, Elliot, and Guillaume)
Tokyo's very layered like this (with walkways going above streets, and trains above that,etc):
A nifty thing in which to clean one's glasses--just on a street corner
We did check out part of the Sony Building (above)--mainly the floor where they show off their 3D video technology. I kind of fell asleep during the demonstration. Not because it wasn't interesting, but because I hadn't really had good rest the night before, the lights were dimmed, and I was starting to get really hungry. I can report that the part of the 3D demonstrations I was awake for were actually very impressive. But it was definitely time to go hunting for food.