Yard-sale like vendors outside the Akihabara UDX Building
mostly in the vague hopes of discovering a nice mini of any number of various characters who were probably a lot more popular back in the '90s. No such luck for me. The Sailor Moon minis I found were actually quite hideous, and I already know a place in Kyoto where I can buy the adorable chibi-fied Final Fantasy figurines.
(Google "Sunako" and "Sunako chibi." For the main character of the anime/manga The Wallflower, or Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge, Tomoko Hayakawa actually utilizes the chibi style regularly to show Sunako going back and forth between her humorous self-conscious side and her more mature, self-confident side. The Wallflower is essentially a modern Pygmalion/My Fair Lady story.)
In any case, no figurines really struck me besides fairly large one of Elwyn/Elwing (an elf character from the anime Shining Tears X Wind)--about whom I know nothing else. She was just pretty, and in the end, too expensive.
I found my way to the Tokyo Anime Center, which I found rather lackluster. Like the Pokemon center, it's mostly a small shop of a fairly limited selection of merchandise. I think there's also a theater next door, which probably shows promotional clips or screenings or some such, and perhaps the Center sometimes has important guests from the anime industry visiting.
Not saying too much.
Since I was running out of the the couple of hours I'd allotted for exploring Akiba, I didn't manage to check out the Kanda Second-hand Books Area nearby, which is said to have over 150 bookstores I would have loved to get lost in had I had the time. Second-hand bookshops in Japan are slightly dangerous places for me, I think.
But it sounds...fascinating.