A place to reflect, ramble, and rofl at adventures from my study abroad in Nihon...
Honestly, there could be shenanigans.


Oh the world is in tune on a spring afternoon...

(No pidgeons to poison here, really.)

We took a break from the urban view heading down towards the Meiji Jinguu area by taking a detour through a Shinjuku Chou, a beautiful little park (even with the small groups of homeless men in the corners.)

 A couple of good portraits, I think...(First is Sabrina, second is Margot.)
Guillaume, Maxim, Momo-chan, Sun Young, and So Rim
(Maxim, I believe, took this shot with my camera for me)
Elliot getting a nice shot of the practicing stunt-bicyclists...
And eventually we left the park and found the road again...
Itty bitty turtles at a pet shop we passed by

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