A place to reflect, ramble, and rofl at adventures from my study abroad in Nihon...
Honestly, there could be shenanigans.


A belated blerb

So I keep saying I'm going to get back and finish/continue this blog. I do intend to. I got caught up in the new semester, trying to reconnect with people and all of that nonsense...2011 hit and I was like "Jeez, in a few months it will have been a year since I left to stay in Japan."
I know exactly why I've been putting off revisiting my experiences in Japan. I'm not going to explain it any further than saying that it's painful.
All the same, I should really record those things, while my memory's still sharp--and I'm surprised that it is as sharp and clear as it is, months later. Plus I did write a lot of notes and collect a ton of brochures and pamphlets.

In remotely recent news, I actually sold some art prints...back in September I think, at this annual street festival a couple of blocks over. So that was exciting. I also started working on my portfolio site in my web design class last semester, so that's still WIP. My deviantART is more up to date with my work (the good, the not-so-good, and the weird), and I also have some prints up for sale on Imagekind, though it's not quite so up to date.
Also--one of my photos from Japan actually won in its category in my university's Study Abroad Photo Contest. (You'll have to scroll down a little bit on that page to see it--the one with the little girl.) So that was kinda neat too.

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